Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Unit I Discussion Board Question

Unit I Discussion Board Question

Q Part I: Introduce yourself to your classmates with your name, location, current employment, and future goals. Part II: Article II, Section I of the U.S. Constitution provides that the president must "take care that the laws be faithfully executed." Presidents have used this authority to issue executive orders, which are orders to federal agencies that are a part of the executive branch and which contain detailed instructions on how laws enacted by Congress should be carried out. Presidents are not specifically given the power to issue executive orders by the U.S. Constitution. Is it appropriate for the president to exercise powers that the Constitution does not specifically grant to him or her? Why, or why not?

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Hello class, I am *******. I am excited to be in the class. I am working on my Bachelor’s Degree in Business and my goal for the future is to be in a capacity to run a consultancy for businesses. I hope to learn from every discussion post and reply. It is not appropriate for the president to exercise powers that are not granted to him by the constitution in as much as the government in operation is still considered democratic. Constitutions are there as the rule of law that guides public officials on their duty.